On 17 April 2018, the ICCA-QMUL Task Force unveiled its Report on Third Party Funding in International Arbitration at the ICCA Congress in Sydney, Australia.
The Report is a comprehensive study of third party funding and promises to be a cornerstone of future study on the subject. The Report represents five years of hard work by an impressive body of academics, practitioners, funders, and arbitrators. (See the full list of Task Force members here). The Report provides a general overview of TPF and definitional explanations as well as focused studies on issues like disclosures, professional secrecy (attorney-client privilege), security for costs, and recovery of costs.
At the announcement, the room was filled to capacity with standing-room-only as a distinguished panel discussed the Report. Members of the panel included two Co-Chairs of the Task Force, Prof. Catherine Rogers and Prof Stavros Brekoulakis, as well as the President of ICCA, Mr. Donald Donovan. Other panelists included Prof.Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler (ICCA’s President-elect) and Task Force members Mr. Audley Sheppard QC, Ms. Ania Farren, Prof. Julian Lew, and Mr. Jean-Christophe Honlet.
Within a week, practitioners were discussing the Report on the world stage. At UNCITRAL’s session on Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform, the Canadian and American delegations referred to the Report as the most detailed study on TPF to date.
The Report’s impact will only increase as it becomes available in more languages. Practitioners are already asking the Task Force to translate the Report into Spanish, Chinese, and Portuguese.
To download the full Report, click here.